A Generational Thing
A Zoomer and a Boomer walk into a bar. Z says to B, “Girrrl, let’s start a podcast.” B rolls her eyes and says to Z, “Sure why not? The world is short on podcasts.” God hollers from the men’s room: “Brainy, artsy, angsty repartee between strong women of two vastly different generations will save humanity!! … Probably!” Bartender slides down a hot mic.
Hosts Natalia Latham and Angela Latham take on the hard stuff, since that’s mostly all there is these days. Religion, culture, waves of feminism…maybe even some poetry. With 40 years and a couple of theatre degrees between them, these two preachers’ daughters, and exiles from a backwoods state of mind, are the family drama you actually need.
Available wherever you get your podcasts.
A Generational Thing
Really Dead Poets Society
Be not afraid! It’s poetry month at the pod and Nat and Ang are here to cure your BARDOLOTRYPHOBIA. The gals serve up an irreverent crash course in love poetry, from Shakespeare’s sonnets to Solomon’s songs with (almost) nothing and no one in between. Find out which of our featured really famous, really dead poets is the literary heartthrob of the ages. Discover at last why Shakespeare and Solomon sound so much alike sometimes. Along the way, just try to keep track of all the hackneyed metaphors Nat and Ang use to explain things. We dare you. And be sure to stick around for the singalong.
Zero credit offered and no homework. Just a romp.
Poetic Forms Writer’s Digest
Sonnets of Shakespeare
Song of Songs/Song of Solomon
Rev. Rob Christ on Song of Songs (TikTok)
Zhang Longxi “The Letter or the Spirit”
Canonization of Song of Songs (including the views of William Whiston and the Latter Day Saints)
Sharon Olds Stag’s Leap
Oscar Wilde Ave Marie Gratia Plena
Poets Mentioned in Passing
Tyler Knott Gregson
Rupi Kaur
Taylor Swift (who?)
Mary Oliver
Just for Fun
The Hair of the Head of Shakespeare
New Yorker Radio Hour Podcast: Judi Dench on Bond and Shakespeare
Transitional Music and Sound Effects:
Jon Presstone, “Fancy and Friendly” and “Renaissance Revelry”
Storyblocks, Stadium Sound Effects
AGT and Nat and Ang on Instagram
Logo by Kara Joy Schrock: https://www.instagram.com/kjreliquaries/
Technical consultant, Tim Godby
Music (for regular episodes):
"Curious Documentary" by Jon Presstone (intro and transitions)
"I Feel Fire" by we20fifty (outro)