A Generational Thing
A Zoomer and a Boomer walk into a bar. Z says to B, “Girrrl, let’s start a podcast.” B rolls her eyes and says to Z, “Sure why not? The world is short on podcasts.” God hollers from the men’s room: “Brainy, artsy, angsty repartee between strong women of two vastly different generations will save humanity!! … Probably!” Bartender slides down a hot mic.
Hosts Natalia Latham and Angela Latham take on the hard stuff, since that’s mostly all there is these days. Religion, culture, waves of feminism…maybe even some poetry. With 40 years and a couple of theatre degrees between them, these two preachers’ daughters, and exiles from a backwoods state of mind, are the family drama you actually need.
Available wherever you get your podcasts.
A Generational Thing
The F Word
No, not that one.
Yes, that one.
In this episode, we share responses to our sophisticated survey questions:
What the heck is feminism? Are you one? How come?
(Ok, maybe they were more sophisticated than that.) But the results are clear! Feminism is just as messy and wonderful and crucial and misunderstood as ever . . . you’ll have to tune in for the deets though. What the young'uns and their elders have to say about each other at the Intersection of Gender and Age is a must listen.
PS: Apologies for the click bait-y title. The Zoomer won that round. But here’s the Boomer having the last word. Mwahahaha! (And yes, said Boomer looked up how to spell “evil laugh.”)
Resources and Survey Responses:
Feminist and Anti-Feminist Identification in the 21st Century
Listeners Have a Few Things to Say about Feminism (survey responses)
Feminism is for Everybody
UNWomen, New Feminist Activism: Waves and Generations
Sarah Pruitt, What are the Four Waves of Feminism?
Muskaan Arshad, Girlboss, Gaslight, Gatekeep in a Capitalistic World
Lisa Jervis The End of Feminism’s Third Wave
Why Bitch Media Closed Shop According to Andi Zeisler
GlobalWE (Women's Empowerment)
Episode-specific music credits:
“Storytime Music Box” by Humans Win
“Together We March” and “Serene Guitar Ambience in Nature,” both by The Turquoise Moon
AGT and Nat and Ang on Instagram
Logo by Kara Joy Schrock: https://www.instagram.com/kjreliquaries/
Technical consultant, Tim Godby
Music (for regular episodes):
"Curious Documentary" by Jon Presstone (intro and transitions)
"I Feel Fire" by we20fifty (outro)