A Generational Thing
A Zoomer and a Boomer walk into a bar. Z says to B, “Girrrl, let’s start a podcast.” B rolls her eyes and says to Z, “Sure why not? The world is short on podcasts.” God hollers from the men’s room: “Brainy, artsy, angsty repartee between strong women of two vastly different generations will save humanity!! … Probably!” Bartender slides down a hot mic.
Hosts Natalia Latham and Angela Latham take on the hard stuff, since that’s mostly all there is these days. Religion, culture, waves of feminism…maybe even some poetry. With 40 years and a couple of theatre degrees between them, these two preachers’ daughters, and exiles from a backwoods state of mind, are the family drama you actually need.
Available wherever you get your podcasts.
A Generational Thing
Sex, Religion, and Politics 2023
Feeling blah about your New Year’s Resolutions? Good luck with that. Had just about enough Best-of-This and Worst-of-That reviews? We can help you with that!
In this episode, Natalia and Angela take on 2023. But don’t expect a numbered list or polite conversation. This rearview mirror view of 2023 is about sex, religion, and politics. Find out what gob smacking things in each of these taboo topic areas they are still processing in 2024 and likely will be for years to come.
Depp v Heard
Christine Emba Men are Lost . . . a Map Out of the Wilderness & readers' reactions
Isabel Cristo Woman in Retrograde
Monica Potts The Forgotten Girls & review
Religious Trauma Institute
Recovering from Religion
Spiritual Harm and Abuse Scale
Preacher’s Daughter (Cain)
@texaspaulschroder and @tglnyc
R Graham . . .United Methodist Church Breaks Up
N Bolz-Weber Shameless
5 Things to know. . .latest abortion case in Texas
Southlake; Grapevine
Trump Mugshot Memes
Dan Jones Powers and Thrones
AGT and Nat and Ang on Instagram
Logo by Kara Joy Schrock: https://www.instagram.com/kjreliquaries/
Technical consultant, Tim Godby
Music (for regular episodes):
"Curious Documentary" by Jon Presstone (intro and transitions)
"I Feel Fire" by we20fifty (outro)